Aloe Vera Juice Has Amazing Health Benefits, Here

Others believe aloe vera can help to maintain normal blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. However, ingesting aloe latex can cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea, potassium deficiency, and kidney damage if taken improperly, according to the Mayo Clinic. Consult your doctor before using aloe latex as a laxative.

There’s also strong evidence that aloe juice, which contains latex, taken by mouth is a powerful laxative. In fact, aloe juice was once sold in over-the-counter constipation drugs. But because aloe’s safety was not well-established, the FDA ordered in 2002 that over-the-counter laxatives containing aloe vera either be reformulated or removed from store shelves.

Two substances from Aloe vera – a clear gel and its yellow latex – are used to manufacture commercial products. Aloe gel typically is used to make topical medications for skin conditions, such as burns, wounds, frostbite, rashes, psoriasis, cold sores, or dry skin. Aloe latex is used individually or manufactured as a product with other ingredients to be ingested for relief of constipation. Aloe latex may be obtained in a dried form called resin or as "aloe dried juice". “Aloe vera is a cactus-like plant known for its healing and medicinal properties,” says Joel Schlessinger, M.D., Omaha-based board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon. Aside from being a staple in your mother's medicine cabinet for sunburned skin, aloe vera has been used by different civilizations for centuries for a range of skin care, health, and medicinal purposes.

Aloe vera extract to be a safe and watsram ventures effective alternative to chemical-based mouthwashes. The plant’s natural ingredients, which include a healthy dose of vitamin C, can block plaque. It can also provide relief if you have bleeding or swollen gums. Before you replace all your skincare products with a bottle of the green gooey gel, find out what skin experts have to say about which benefits have been proven to be true. We turned to dermatologist Marnie Nussbaum, MD, and cosmetic chemist Perry Romanowski to explain whether aloe vera is the cure-all ingredient it's said to be (or whether it's a little overrated).

This after-sun aloe lotion also contains antioxidant ingredients and emollients meant to increase the soothing and moisturizing effects. Just like the name says, it'll help your skin cool down after a long day outside, which is why it's one of our favorite after-sun products. "If there is any benefit to using aloe topically, you are much more likely to get those benefits from using a treatment directly from a plant versus using a formulated product," Romanowski says.

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